
folkert folkert at
Mon Dec 16 11:27:40 CET 2013

> > I propose that the "ad-hoc connections" (localdiscovery) are also
> > displayed in the graph (graphdumpfile) as it is useful for debugging.
> > I find the command-line tooling a bit cumbersome to find out where the
> > problem is - maybe a web-interface can be added to tincd? Implementing a
> > http server is trivial I found out.
> Tinc 1.1's CLI should give you a lot of information in an easy way. In
> particular, if you want to know all about a single node, you can give this
> command:
> tinc -n <netname> info <node>
> Example output:
> Node:         foo
> Address: port 655
> Online since: 2013-12-05 18:00:00
> Status:       validkey visited reachable udp_confirmed
> Options:      pmtu_discovery clamp_mss
> Protocol:     17.0
> Reachability: directly with UDP
> PMTU:         1444
> Edges:        bar baz quux
> Subnets: fec0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0/48
> The line with Reachability tells you if and how tinc communicates with the
> peer. The Address is the actual address used to communicate with foo using
> UDP.
> Implementing a HTTP server does, in itself, nothing to help debugging; it
> merely presents information through another channel.  What information do you
> want to get that is currently hard to extract from tinc?

It's probably all there, it is just hard to read as it is so much.
So if it can represented in a web-page with a nice layout that would be


> > I propose that the "ad-hoc connections" (localdiscovery) are also
> > displayed in the graph (graphdumpfile) as it is useful for debugging.

Folkert van Heusden

To MultiTail einai ena polymorfiko ergaleio gia ta logfiles kai tin
eksodo twn entolwn. Prosferei: filtrarisma, xrwmatismo, sygxwneysi,
diaforetikes provoles.
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE,
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