tinc works fine on MacOS 10.5

Benjamin Staffin benley at zoiks.net
Sun Dec 23 18:04:58 CET 2007

Just for the record, I'd like to report that tinc works just find on MacOS 10.5.

I built lzo2 from macports.org, installed the tun/tap driver from
http://www-user.rhrk.uni-kl.de/~nissler/tuntap/, and compiled tinc
myself.  The only confusing part was figuring out the tinc-up bits to
make everything happy on MacOS.  Here's the trick:

ifconfig $INTERFACE <mac client ip> <the same ip again> netmask
<netmask of whole vpn>
route add <vpn supernet>/<cidr notation of netmask> <mac client ip>

I'm sure this is obvious to some people, but it took me a few minutes
to grok. You're setting up a tun interface that tunnels from your ip
address to the same ip address, and then you add a static route for
your vpn supernet to that tunnel IP.  In other words, your vpn IP is
your virtual router interface, and the tinc daemon is your router.

I couldn't find this magic combination of commands in the tinc
documentation, though I did see a few random mentions of this on the
mailing list.  I figured I might as well mention it for posterity.


- Ben

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