are these problems?

Lonnie Cumberland lonnie at
Thu Dec 7 14:15:59 CET 2006

Greetings All,

I was looking around the Internet and came across this, but did not know 
if it was a problem for Tinc.


  Security flaws in tinc

      Jerome Etienne jme at


This text describes security flaws in Tinc. It includes a description of 
the security (see section 1 
<>) and lists the possible 
attacks (see section 2 
<>). An attacker can 
modify packets, replay them and learn patterns of the plain text.

    1  Security description

This section describes how tinc secures forwarded packets. The outgoing 
packet begins with an 'salt' of 2 bytes containing a cryptographically 
strong random value. It plays the role of an IV according to the manual 
"2 bytes of salt (random data) are added in front of the actual VPN 
packet, so that two VPN packets with (almost) the same content do not 
seem to be the same for eavesdroppers." The forwarded packet is 
appended. The couple salt and forwarded is padded to be 64bit aligned 
(blowfish's block size). The whole (salt, forwarded packet and padding) 
is encrypted with blowfish in CBC.

    2  Vulnerabilities

This section explains how an attacker can modify packets (see section 
2.1 <>) , replay them 
(see section 2.3 <>), 
learn pattern of the plain text (see section 2.2 

      2.1  No packet authentication

The aim of encryption is to make the data unreadable for anybody who 
doesn't know the key. It doesn't prevent an attacker from modifying the 
data. People assume that an attacker won't do it because the attacker 
wouldn't be able to choose the resulting clear text. But this section 
shows that the attacker can choose the resulting clear text to some 
extends and that modifying the cypher text data may be interesting even 
if the attacker ignores the result.

        2.1.1  To insert random data

If the attacker modifies the cipher text without choosing the resulting 
clear text, it will likely produce random data. The legitimate user 
won't detect the modification and will use them as if they were valid. 
As they likely appears random, it will result of a Denial of Service 
(aka DoS).

        2.1.2  To insert chosen data

The encryption mode is CBC[oST81 
<>,sec 5.3]. CBC allows 
cut/past attacks i.e. the attacker can cut encrypted data from one part 
of a packet and paste them in another location. As both data sections 
have been encrypted by the same key, the clear text won't be completely 
random data.

This lack of authentication isn't a CBC flaw. Authentication isn't 
considered a aim of the encryption mode, so most modes (e.g. ECB, CFB, 
OFB) doesn't authenticate the data. To use another mode would be flawed 
in the same way except if they explicitly protect against forgery. 
Recently some modes including authentication popped up to speed up the 
encryption / authentication couple but as far as i know they are all 

In very short, encrypting with CBC is Cn=Enc(Cn-1 xor Pn) where Enc(x) 
is encrypting x, Pn is the nth block of plain text and Cn the nth block 
of cipher text. For the first block, Cn-1 is an Initial vector (aka IV) 
which may be public and must be unique for a given key. The decryption 
is Pn = Dec(Cn) xor Cn-1. See [oST81 
<>,sec 5.3] for a longer 
description of CBC.

If the attacker copies s blocks from the location m to n (aka 
[Cn,...,Cn+s-1] == [Cm,...,Cm+s-1]), Pn+1 up to Pn+s-1 will the same as 
Pm+1 to Pm+s-1 and Pn will likely appears random. Cn (i.e. Cm) will be 
decrypted as Pn = Dec(Cm) xor Cn-1 but Cm-1 and Cn-1 are different so Pn 
will likely appears random. Nevertheless Pn+1 = Dec(Cn+1) xor Cn = 
Dec(Cm+1) xor Cm = Pm+1, so Pn+1=Pm+1. So if the attacker has an idea of 
the content of a group of blocks in a packet, he can copy them to the 
Nth block, thus it can choose the content of it without being detected.

As usual packets aren't designed to appears random, its content may be 
predictable to some extents (e.g. IP header) The attacker may use such 
informations to guess the contents and do a knowledgeable cut/past.

      2.2  Insecure IV

The aim of an IV is to hide the repetitive patterns inside the the 
encrypted plain text, so it must be unique for a given key. Tinc's IV, 
called salt in the source, are random so they aren't guaranteed to be 
unique and are vulnerable to the birthday paradox. Moreover the IV is 
only 16bit long, so as a rule of thumb if tinc forwards 255 packets, 
there is a probability of 50% to have at least 2 packets with the same IV.

      2.3  No anti-replay protection

Tinc doesn't include any protection against packet's replay, so an 
attacker who eavesdrops the encrypted packets can successfully replay 
them later and the destination will consider them as legitimate.

The manual section 6.3.2 claims "There is no extra provision against 
replay attacks or alteration of packets. However, the VPN packets, 
normally UDP or TCP packets themselves, contain checksums and sequence 
numbers. Since those checksums and sequence numbers are encrypted, they 
automatically become cryptographically secure. The kernel will handle 
any checksum errors and duplicate packets."

We believe it is risky to base the security on assumption on the 
forwarded packets. Moreover in this case, the assumptions are incorrect. 
UDP doesn't have any sequence number. TCP do have sequence numbers but, 
for example, an attacker can replay a TCP syn packet to perform a SYN 
flood attack on a server behind the tinc peer.

    3  Conclusion

This text describes how an attacker can modify packets, replay them and 
learn patterns of the plain text. The holes are real, practical and 
independant. They may be combined to perform stronger attacks.


[oST81] <>
    National Institute of Standards and Technology. implementing and
    using the nbs data encryption standard. /Federal information
    processing standards fips74/, April 1981.

Since I am interested in using Tinc for some projects, I started to be 
concerned about possible security issues.

Thanks and have a good day,

Lonnie T. Cumberland
OutStep Technologies Incorporated

Email: Lonnie at
       Lonnie_Cumberland at 

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