tinc 1.1: missing PONG

Guus Sliepen guus at tinc-vpn.org
Tue Feb 27 08:12:53 CET 2018

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 03:18:15PM -0700, Todd C. Miller wrote:

> > The problem is not the order of the events, the problem is that in the
> > Windows version of the event loop, we only handle one event in each loop
> > iteration. The select() loop handles all events that have accumulated so
> > far, so regardless of the order it handles them, it never starves fd. At
> > least, that was what I thought, until I double checked and found out
> > that we actually don't in tinc 1.1 (tinc 1.0 is correct though).
> Sure, but changing the order of the events changes which one will
> be in that first slot.

Yes, but the order is still deterministic. Now another socket will
always be the first in the events[] array, and if a lot of data is
received on that one, it will starve the others.

> > So, we have to find a proper fix for both the POSIX and Windows variants
> > of the event loop in 1.1. For POSIX, the issue is that we might
> > invalidate the loop iterator due to a callback. It should be easy to
> > detect that and only exit the loop early if that's really the case. I'll
> > do that.
> How would you detect that?  By checking whether the next node has
> changed?

I was thinking by setting a flag whenever we call io_del(), and checking
that flag in the for-loop in event_loop().

> Changing the order of the events changes the index of which event
> is returned by WSAWaitForMultipleEvents().  Moving the most recently
> accessed event to the end gives the others a chance to proceed.

But it doesn't order them by most recently accessed. It's a
deterministic order that doesn't change except when io_add() or io_del()
is called. Or put in another way: splay_each(io_t, io, &io_tree) goes
through the nodes of the io_tree in the order determined by

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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