[Announcement] Tinc version 1.1pre9 released

Guus Sliepen guus at tinc-vpn.org
Sun Sep 8 17:48:48 CEST 2013

With pleasure we announce the release of tinc version 1.1pre9. Here is a
summary of the changes:

 * The UNIX socket is now created before tinc-up is called.

 * Windows users can now use any extension that is in %PATHEXT% for scripts,
   not only .bat.

 * Outgoing sockets are bound to the address of the listening sockets again,
   when there is no ambiguity.

 * Added invitation-created and invitation-accepted scripts.

 * Invited nodes now learn of the Mode and Broadcast settings of the VPN.

 * Joining a VPN with an invitation now also works on Windows.

 * The port number tincd is listening on is now always included in the
   invitation URL.

 * A running tincd is now correctly informed when a new invitation has been

 * Several bug fixes for the new protocol.

 * Added a test suite.

Thanks to Etienne Dechamps for his contribution to this version of tinc.

Please note that although tinc 1.1pre9 is backwards compatible with tinc 1.0.x,
it is NOT compatible with other 1.1pre1 through 1.1pre8. All users of the 1.1
prerelease series must upgrade.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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