[Announcement] Tinc version 1.1pre5 released

Guus Sliepen guus at tinc-vpn.org
Sun Jan 20 21:31:51 CET 2013

With pleasure we announce the release of tinc version 1.1pre5. Here is a
summary of the changes:

 * Fixed long delays and possible hangs on Windows.

 * Fixed support for the tunemu device on iOS, the UML and VDE devices.

 * Small improvements to the documentation and error messages.

 * Fixed broadcast packets not reaching the whole VPN.

 * Tincctl now connects via a UNIX socket to the tincd on platforms that
   support this.

 * The PriorityInheritance option now also works in switch mode.

This is the fifth pre-release of the 1.1 branch of tinc. Tinc 1.1 is protocol
compatible with 1.0.x, but will have large architectural changes and new
features. Tinc 1.0.x will still be maintained. Please try out this new version,
and let us know what you think of, and report any bugs you find.

If you use the ExperimentalProtocol option, then tinc 1.1pre5 is still
compatible with 1.0.x and other 1.1pre5 nodes, but may not be compatible with
1.1pre1 through 1.1pre4 nodes.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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