Tinc 1.0.7 on Win 2000 SP4 server: random tap device failure

Guus Sliepen guus at tinc-vpn.org
Mon Apr 2 16:11:27 CEST 2007

On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:38:24AM -0400, Michael Adams wrote:

> I've tried joining the tinc mailing lists to no avail. I wanted to make the 
> following posting...

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> Greetings to all from Florida. My name's Mike Adams, and I've been using 
> tinc for the last few months to establish a company intranet between its 
> different locations. Setup's working great, but there seems to be an issue 
> with our Windows 2000 server that the other tinc routers connect to. Right 
> now, about 10-15 systems connect to this system, and a total of 50 systems 
> are in the network currently.
> The following 
> error below occurs at random: usually once a day, but since I put together a 
> modified driver package with the latest OpenVPN driver, this latest error 
> occurred about 3 days after last time. I should also note that the system is 
> not on continuously, but is rebooted daily at 4AM local time. I should also 
> note that whenever this event occurs, the whole Win2K application log is 
> polluted with tinc.vpn entries just like this one. Resolution is achieved by 
> restarting tinc.
> Error while reading from Windows tap device
> {8FD9AD30-0BCB-4B89-91E5-15635B714018}: No such file or directory.

That is certainly strange. It seems like tinc found the tap device,
opened it, en then suddenly finds it disappeared.

> If you want a copy of the new driver package, 
> I have posted it on my own website. It also includes the procedure I used 
> for cleaning out the older driver from the registry: without doing such, 
> tinc will not find the correct device to function.
> http://www.wolfsheep.com/technical/tinc/tinc-tap-win32-0901.zip

I do not have Windows 2000 anymore, and I've never seen this problem
before. I hope other people on this list might have an idea...

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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