[PATCH] Maintain outgoing TCP meta buffer

Guus Sliepen guus at tinc-vpn.org
Tue Jan 17 14:14:47 CET 2006

On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 12:30:28AM -0800, Scott Lamb wrote:

> A couple problems with my tinc-buffer-2.patch:
> - it wasn't using PingTimeout at all, just PongTimeout. (oops!)
> - it sometimes thought it had been unable to flush for a long time,  
> when it really just hadn't sent anything for a long time except for  
> an unflushed thing sent quite recently.
> Here's a new version with those problems fixed. And with more clear  
> names - PingInterval and PingTimeout instead of PingTimeout and  
> PongTimeout.

I don't want to change the meaning of already existing configuration
variables. Also, I still think it is better to put a limit to the size
of the buffer, and drop PACKETs when the buffer is larger than that
limit. Late packets rarely do any good anyway, best to get rid of them.

> By the way, what's status.timeout for? It doesn't seem to be used.

It was used in the past (up to and including 1.0pre2), but not for
anything useful. Now it might be useful to debug tinc (you can see it in
the logs if you send a SIGUSR1 to a running tincd).

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
    Guus Sliepen <guus at sliepen.eu.org>
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