TrustedNodes option in TINC

Mathieu GIANNECCHINI mathieu.giannecchini at
Fri Apr 8 14:37:30 CEST 2005

>Mixing trusted and untrusted nodes in one VPN has all
>sorts of consequences and is hard to implement right, so it hasn't been
>done yet.
Can you explain that or give us an example, we're not sure to understand 
where is the problem ?

>>In net_packet.c and protocol_key.c we see :
>>       send_req_key(n->nexthop->connection, myself, n);
>>The question is : how to be sure that "n->nexthop->connection" will be a 
>>"trusted connection" ? (c->name in TrustedNode). One of our question is 
>>: if we cancel any ADD_* from untrusted node, can nexthop be a untrusted 
>>node ?...
>The nexthops are always trusted.
Our question was about an option "trustedNodes". For us the meaning of 
"trusted" is a node which is in a fixed list of trusted nodes.

>anyway, a "nexthop" is always a node with whom we have a TCP connection,
>and tinc only makes TCP connections with other tinc daemons for which it
>knows the public key.
It's not possible to add a constraint "the nexthop has to be in the 
TrustedNodes list"

For the next full moon if you want , and i have some chickens in the 
fridge too ;)



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